Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Modern Day Good Samaritan

So anyone that reads my blog knows I am a movie watching junkie. I love movies, and for the most part I can watch them without having a biblical discussion in my head. 
But last night was different....... 
Last night my family and I watched Lone Survivor. And before I con one, I will try not to spoil any of the movie but no promises. So if you want to watch the movie stop here and go watch it. It is a wonderful movie and after you watch it come back here and read this blog! 

Okay with that side note out of the way......let us proceed 
In the movie a group of 4 navy seals go on a mission to take out a Taliban leader in Afghanistan. During the movie the mission fails and 3 of the four die. But the fourth, Marcus Luttrell survives and goes on a journey that could change his life. 
Marcus is taken to a Afghan village where a man by the name of Mohammed Gulab, an afghan that takes it upon himself to treat Luttrell's wounds and house him in Gulab's home. Gulab even goes a couple steps further. One, he sends an elder man with a map of their location to go to the closest US military base so that they can come rescue Luttrell. Second, Gulab even protects Luttrell from the Taliban, risking his own life and the life of the village in order to do so. 
The whole movie had me thinking that this whole story was in the Bible as well. The Good Samaritan is a story about one man helping another. And like the story of Luttrell and Gulab, they were two men that should have never given aid to one another. 
Need a refresher in the story........
The Parable of the Good SamaritanOn one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life? What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[bYou have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live. But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him. Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
Gulab is the perfect example of what, and who, a good samaritan is. He gave all he had for this man that couldn't even speak the same language as him.  Don't believe me, here is a scene that shows the language barrier that was present. 

Gulab and Luttrell's story got me thinking. How far would you go as a neighbor? Would you risk it all for a total stranger, would you take the risk of getting hep from an unknown person who believes the complete opposite of you? 

How far would you go for another human being? I know I am sometimes the priest or the Levite. I know I can help others much more then I really do.  I have had many moments that I am not proud of when I saw someone in need and didn't stop to help them. I strive every day to change this aspect of who I am and I hope that I can better my actions to help my fellow man. 

I mean after all, aren't we all created in God's image. We are all God's children, so why not love all of our brothers and sisters. 

This week is a short blog, mostly because camp is keeping me busy but also because I want Luttrell's and Gulab's story to speak for itself. 

I do want to end if the last scene of the movie. I want to dedicate this blog to all those that died in the mission and to the two men that show what it means to be a Good Samaritan. 

P.S. Luttrell also ended up being a good Samaritan to Gulab. After the US military rescued Luttrell, the Taliban began to personally attack Gulab. In response Gulab left the village and Afghanistan and came to the United States, where Luttrell as taken it upon himself to help support the family and donate part of the proceeds from his book to Gulab and his family.........once again showing what it means to be a good Samaritan. 


Friday, May 9, 2014

My Mothers......

Thats right I said mothers!

You see, in honor of Mother's Day, I have decided to dedicate my post to two amazing women. One that God blessed me by allowing me to be her daughter, and the other is one that God placed in my life to prove that not all family is blood related and sometimes you need two moms for all the crazy things you do.

So first: My mom!

Sharon Neukam, the greatest, most amazing women I know. My mom, my best friend, my people watcher, my shoulder to cry on, my laundry mat when I forget, my supporter, my cheerleader......okay I could go on forever but there is one more that I need to mention, MY road map. That's right my mother is a road map. A road map to God that I would be lost without.

What do I mean?

My mother has become a women that I can talk through my ideas and questions. Sometimes she might not agree with them but she helps me learn from what is going on in my head. We can have many discussions on what is means to be a Christian, what the bible really means, what God has planned for us.....and with each of these discussions we not only grow stronger together but I would like to believe we both grow stronger with Christ. She taught me that music is a doorway to the soul and making a joyful noise can be an amazing time to meditate with God.

Side note: My mom took me to my first concert to see Rebecca St. James and LaRue, and I still listen to them all the time. Wanna know who is playing in the Austin Area, me and my mom could most likely tell you and ask if you want company. We have had some amazing times at Christian Concerts and I wouldn't trade those memories for anything in this world.

So who is number 2?

My Co-Mama Karen! A woman that supports me to no end, that treats me like her own, loves me like her own, the one that I can talk medical stuff too when no one else will listen. A women that I look up too with her mission work, a women that I haven't said this too yet; but, I strive to be a light in other nations like she is. Whether that be Honduras or the Dominican Republic or wherever God sends me, I hope to help others that can't help themselves. She might not be blood related but I know I can go to her whenever I need. She has become a part of our family that I know will never leave.

So all this talk about my mom's got me thinking. If you look back in my posts I talk a lot about love; the love of Christ, the love waiting out there for my husband, the love of a Father.....but what about the love of a mother. I truly believe that the love of a mother is never failing and one of the strongest forms of love that exists.

For example read this story:

There is a tribe in Africa called the Himba tribe, where the birth date of a child is counted not from when they were born, nor from when they are conceived but from the day that the child was a thought in its mother’s mind. And when a woman decides that she will have a child, she goes off and sits under a tree, by herself, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child that wants to come. And after she’s heard the song of this child, she comes back to the man who will be the child’s father, and teaches it to him. And then, when they make love to physically conceive the child, some of that time they sing the song of the child, as a way to invite it.

And then, when the mother is pregnant, the mother teaches that child’s song to the midwives and the old women of the village, so that when the child is born, the old women and the people around her sing the child’s song to welcome it. And then, as the child grows up, the other villagers are taught the child’s song. If the child falls, or hurts its knee, someone picks it up and sings its song to it. Or perhaps the child does something wonderful, or goes through the rites of puberty, then as a way of honoring this person, the people of the village sing his or her song.
In the African tribe there is one other occasion upon which the villagers sing to the child. If at any time during his or her life, the person commits a crime or aberrant social act, the individual is called to the center of the village and the people in the community form a circle around them. Then they sing their song to them.
The tribe recognizes that the correction for antisocial behavior is not punishment; it is love and the remembrance of identity. When you recognize your own song, you have no desire or need to do anything that would hurt another.
And it goes this way through their life. In marriage, the songs are sung, together. And finally, when this child is lying in bed, ready to die, all the villagers know his or her song, and they sing—for the last time—the song to that person.

How amazing is that, think about the amount of love and dedication that mother has. That they go through all of that for their child, and is happens long before the child is even conceived. That story got me thinking.....me and my mom have our song, a song that every time I hear it I calm down, I relax, I smile, and remember my mom and all she has done for me. That song is the reason I have a Winnie the Pooh tattoo on my ankle. And surprise! Here is it:

Come on it's my blog you knew there would be a song!

But I think that a mother's love goes further then that. A Mother is a women that will support you and love you even when you know you are driving her crazy. I know my mom was so sick and tired of the many tearful calls in nursing school. A Mother welcomes you home with loving arms but will also slowly push you out of the nest when she knows you are ready to fly. A mother puts up with your crazy ideas and then says "You must get that from your dad"

A mother doesn't have to be blood related. A women that loves you like her own will help with all of the above......I know my Co-Mama does. She supports me and is the voice of reason for me just as much as my Mom is. They were both there with smiles on their faces when I graduated nursing school. They were both there and listened to me when I didn't know is taking a job for the summer was the right move for me or not. They both are people I strive to be, active in church, loving towards others, a light that could guide nations if needed. I know God but both of these women in my life to be a shining example for me, and to give me a goal for what I want to be when God gives me the wonderful gift of being a mom.

As I write this I can't help but think of one more song that is a perfect song for Mothers day. A song that is from the mother's eyes but is a wonderful example of what all mother's want for their children.

God has given us mother's to help us and guide us but to also let go of us. To let us be our own people. They are our road maps in life, but sometimes even we end up not needing the map anymore because we have looked at it so many times we know it like the back of our hand.

So I challenge you today. Go love a mother. Hug her tightly and tell her how much you love her. Make every day a day for your mom. Strive to be the person she knows you can be. Love like a mother can, because you never know who will be watching. And finally pray.

Dear Heavenly Father-
Thank you for the gift that is Moms. Thank you for their guidance and protection in this world. Thank you for giving them the gifts to help us in our everyday lives. Be with all the mothers in the world, let them feel your embrace. Let them know that even in times of struggle or loss or darkness, that you are there. Let their lights shine bright in the night so that their children will always know where they are. Let there love be embracing. Give them the gift to know that they impact the lives of all, blood related and not. And that they are loved and cherished.
In Your Name we pray

And finally. Thank you Mom and Co-Mama. If I could be half of who you two are I feel like I have done my job. Thank you for all you do and continue to do in my life and I hope to always make you proud.

Love you and God Bless

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What if.....

I am starting this blog of again with a crazy idea that I would love input on.

But first I want you to see a video......if you haven't already. In the video is Phil Robertson (from Duck Dynasty), his son, and his grandson. In it is an amazing story about love, family and one's journey to Christ.

Phil Robertson

Just click the link above and it will take you to the video. I understand it is a long video but it is completely worth the time.

So what has this video done for me. Well it has got me thinking.

As Christian's we are told to go out and spread the good news of Jesus Christ. We are to go out and speak of how Jesus can transform lives and change who we are. We preach to those that will listen, and though weekends like Cursillo, or Acts, or Happening, or Vocare; we can hear other Christians talk about the good news of Christ.

But what if we changed what we talk about. What is we like Phil, and Jeb, and Reed, talk about our pitfalls that brought us to Christ, or even our stumbles in our walk with Christ. We can show a side of Christ that many of us would rather not discuss, not because we don't want people to know but because it hurts to tell our story.

About a year ago I met a women that would change my views on Christians and what we say to others. This women was one patient that I can say transformed my life. You see this woman, let's call her Sally, was on the oncology floor in my last semester of nursing school. Sally was honest in the fact that she was sure that this hospital stay would most likely be the last she had but she kept a smile on her face that would light up the whole floor. Everytime I would walk into her room she would smile and ask how my day was going. If I seemed flustered Sally would reach for my hand and look at me, smile, and say "just breath you are doing great, I can wait, just take a moment for yourself." And for those of you that are a nurse or know a nurse, you understand how much those words can mean to someone.

One of my last days on the floor, Sally was in her room as always. But something was different this day. On this day, prior to heading to the hospital, I had decided that I would start wearing my Fishers of Men bracelet again. I had worn it in semesters before but for some reason as much when I was on the oncology floor. As I walked through the ward and entered Sally's room, I was greeted with a smile and the usual morning chatter. But today as I was hanging her IV fluids, Sally asked if I had a bunch of patients today. When I had stated that I had a full workload but a few had gone for procedures so at the moment I was pretty relaxed, she asked if I minded talking to her for a while, to which I was more then pleased to stay if she needed.

Sally and I then sat and discussed when Christ had entered my life. She talked about how when she saw my bracelet she just smiled knowing what that symbol means to many people out there and how it is a symbol of our journey with Christ. We talked about how Christ can be seen through people and through people's actions. But then she asked a question, the question that made me rethink things:

Why do Christians sometimes feel that we can only share the good times in our walk with Christ?

Wow. I was speechless. She went on to talk about that in her church she always heard about the good things in the life of Christ, and how he can better your life. She said that rarely would she hear the stories about the climbs people had to fight, or the dark times and how it strengthened their lives, or even when people felt as if Christ wasn't in their lives but how in the end they would see he was constantly there.

Every relationship has it's ups and downs. Every set of siblings fight, every couple has good days and bad days, every parents-child relationship has its moments; so what makes our relationship with Christ and God any different. It has it's up and downs too. Yet as Christians, some of us like to hide this dark moments, thinking that if we tell ours about the downs in our relationship with Christ, then we won't be as "good" as a Christ loving person as we thought we were.

To which I say.......WRONG!

I truly and completely believe that the bad times I have had in my life have made me a stronger Christian and have a stronger love for my Savior. And I completely believe that I should share the good, the bad, and the ugly in terms of my life with Christ.

So this is where I have this crazy idea that I would love input in.

As I was thinking about Sally and her thoughts, and my own journey with Christ, I had this idea of a way for all Christians to have a way to share the good, the bad, and the ugly of there journey. What if there was a place to completely discuss all aspects of our faith with others. It could be completely nameless so no one would know who went through what. It could be a place to discuss faith journeys, have a prayer wall, be opened for discussion from other denominations about what they believe in a safe and non judgmental place. Would people use this? Would Christians enjoy having a place to learn, and pray, and discus, and see all sides of the Christian Faith? I honestly dunno but I would love if I could start something that could change how people see Christians.

I guess the thing that Sally and Phil really showed me is that just because we are Christians, doesn't mean we have perfect lives and that is something, as Sally stated, that not everyone on the outside sees.

I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. – Philemon 1:6 (NIV)

 So go out and spread the word. Questions what would happen if we shared our faith stories; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Ask what would happen if we reached across denominations  to create were we are free to discuss, pray, and grow as Christians, not as Catholics, Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, or whatever any others out there. We we can grow as the BODY of Christ not just the individual parts. 

God Bless! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

When the Darkness closes in Lord, Still I will say......

.....Blessed be your name!!!

In today's world, every time we turn on the TV something new and horrific has happened. Recently the storms in Oklahoma, continued war, people losing their jobs, shootings, bombings, you name it is has prolly happened in the past year. And yet I smiles.

You see the other day I was driving in my car with the windows down and jamming out to one of my many burned CDs. I was singing along with this song came on.

Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful 
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out 
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering 
Though there's pain in the offering 

Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out 
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

Look at the lyrics and think about it. Yes stuff happens in this world that makes us want to turn away from Christ and from God but isn't that part of the journey. Even when there is suffering and pain we should praise Him and love Him. 

Now I know that it is hard to do this and it is difficult to love a God that allows so much pain and hurt in this world. But I really don't think that he is the cause of it.....what the heck am I talking about, well I will tell you. 

A few years ago, I experienced hurt and pain that I hope no one has to go through, and I honestly turned away from the church, my faith, and Christ. And I will admit that in that time my life was dark, something was missing. Things that brought me joy, now just brought me pain. I would have moments in the car where all I could do was cry. I questioned my calling in life. And I ultimately questioned who I was. I found myself settling in relationships, not caring what others thought, and becoming a royal bee-otch to those that I loved. 

After going along this path for a while, I met a priest that showed me the way back to the church and back to Christ and it was at this moment that I had a huge epiphany. Once I placed God back in my life, while the pain was still there, it suddenly became bearable. I walked with a smile on my face, I loved life, and I realized that even in the bad times He is still the Great I AM, He is the one that will never give me more then I can bear, and He is the one that loves me enough to carry me when I am weak and unsure of my ability to go on. 

God never promised that we wouldn't feel hurt, or fear, or pain, or suffering.....however he did promise to see us through all the bad until the day that we have Eternal Life in his glorious kingdom. The amazing thing is that even with pain, when you have Christ on your side the sun shines a little brighter, the grass is a little greener, the sky becomes a little bluer, and life becomes a glorious and beautiful journey towards what is to come. 

I have a story for you......

One day a caterpillar was walking through the leaves and the grass. He looked around and saw that everywhere in his little world was pain and destruction. The other caterpillar saw what he and his friends were doing, there was holes in everything from them eating, some caterpillars were crying because they were missing loved ones, they would say that climbed up the tree and never returned. The caterpillar became scared because he knew one day he too would have to climb up the tree but he loved his life on the ground and didn't want to see what the other side was about. He moved around slowly, fearing what was to come, he lost friends who went up the tree, and he cried for them. One day however, when the caterpillar was old, he started his journey up the tree. He was tired and was ready for things to be over. When he reached the top we wrapped himself up tightly and was ready for it all to be over. Days later, something happened, the caterpillar started to emerge from his safe home. He looked around and saw the amazing colorful wings on his back. He was astonished at what he saw. And as he took off for his first flight, he looked down at what was once his home and he smiled, what was once pain and destruction in his eyes had become a beautiful meadow full or green grass and wildflowers. He had made it through the pain and was blessed with the beauty that can only be seen in the skies above. 

Are we not little caterpillars in this world. The thing is we can continue to praise God and praise Jesus knowing that what we experience here is short term. YEs it hurts badly, but the beauty will show itself in due time and it will be glorious. 

In conclusion I just want to say this. 

To all those that lost loved ones, lost homes, and ultimately lost everything they have in Oklahoma. My prayers and I believe the prayers of all those reading this are with you. God be with you in this time. God be with the volunteers helping search for people and cleaning up. God be with the emergency response team as they work through the night. God be with those in pain and help them realize that the pain will go away slowly but that with you it is possible. God let them feel our love, let them feel your loving embrace, and let them know that they are not alone! 


God Bless 

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Changes in a Year

Just a note: I am sorry I haven't blogged in forever......it is amazing what can happen when you lose your password, who knew I had 3 different blogs on blogspot. Oh well I am back and ready to role! 

The year that completely changed who I am now......

One Year......one year can change you forever. Don't believe me, then sit back and let me take you on a journey. 

Today, April 22, makes one year since my family gained another angel in Heaven. Heidi left us in this world to join her sister in heaven one year ago today, and one year ago today I stood in a church thinking that this can't be happening again and that this time might just break me. I fought off the darkness by keeping myself busy with school and church, I refused to sit down in the quietness for the fear that if I did I would lose what little sanity I have left. But today and the weeks that followed completely changed me in an amazing way. 


In the weeks after the loss of my niece, I struggled but with the help of those around my I survived and honestly become close to Christ, close to my family, and close to myself. Even in this tragedy I learned how to love life and the gift that is life itself. I spent the summer focusing on myself and on school. I would drive out the the beach to just enjoy a beautiful day, I learned how to relax and have fun, something that I was never really good at......and to be honest I still struggle with it sometimes. 

In August I got to start on a journey with a group of people I now consider family. I was honored to be a part of my first Cursillo team. You see in March of that year I went to Cursillo for the first time. In March, I had finally decided to go to Cursillo (and for those of you not in the Episcopal Church it is a four day spiritual weekend to help jump start your relationship with Christ or a way to further your relationship). The weekend I went to Cursillo, I experienced something that completely changed me. I become closer to Christ, I became closer to my family, and ultimately I became closer to myself. I learned how to love life again.....something that I had struggled with throughout college. And now I was able to be apart of the team that helped people have this same experience in November. I was beyond excited. I was hyper with God's love (I still think to this day some people are scared of me). I got to give a talk about Study, something that I have now fallen in love with. But something happened in November that I never expected..... 

During the Cursillo weekend in November, I learned a lesson that I will carry in my heart forever. That that weekend I learned that age should never define a person's journey with Christ. Age is just a number and everyone's experiences are different. I learned that everyone has a story, whether is just started a new chapter or just closed a chapter, everyone has a story. I learned that God places people in your life that you are beyond grateful for, people that you may only see a couple times a year but everytime you are with them is a time to remember. People that you can anything to and people that you can vent to and know that they will listen (even if it is a one in the morning and you have to be up at 6). I gained so much from that one weekend, but mostly I gained a family in Christ that I will always cherish. 

Flash forward to December, the time that I failed my first class ever. My first major failure in life. I honestly completely lost it, but looking back now I wouldn't change it for the world. You see God taught me an important lesson in that.......failure does not define who I am and who I will become. Yes it is a bump in the road but it does not alter the road itself. Failures are lessons, they help you learn how to be better, how to be strong, and ultimately how to overcome. I also learned that failure is something everyone will experience sooner or later and that you are never alone when it happens. I also learned that failure can open some amazing doors for you. 

So that brings us to January, my trip to the Dominican, which honestly was beyond life altering and too much to write her but if you really want to learn what I went through read my week of blogs about the trip. Trust me, it will be worth your time. 

So those are the big lessons, but what else have I learned in this year. Well, here let's list them out. 

1. I fear three things: 1. disappointing my mama, 2. angering my daddy, and 3. not being Christ's light in a dark world. 
2. A relationship should never define you, I am in the perfect partnership with Christ and if a guy wants to join in that relationship that is fine.......but I don't need a guy to show me what love it. 
3. I am a country women that can find God's love in any Christian or Country song out there. 
4. No dream is impossible with God on your side. 
5. Never think you always have the answer.....most of the time you won't 
6. Never think you know what will happen next......9 times out of 10 you will be wrong 
7. God can be found in any subject.....read this blog for proof. 
8. I have the mouth and attitude of my daddy but the love and kindness of my mama, and God made me who I am so I shouldn't let a man or anyone else try to change me. 
9. Someone might leave you behind in this world, but they are waiting for you in the next so never say goodbye, always say see you later. 
10. Family will always be there for you no matter what stupid mistakes you make 
10b. God will also be there so don't turn away from him when you need him most 
11. You will never be able to plan your life completely, sometimes you got to trust the path that God has for you. 

A year can completely change you. I know I have been an image of change. As I sit here and write this I am amazed my the changes I have gone through, and yet I wonder what changes would have happened if Heidi were here. What would life be like for me and for her and more my family? But then I think, why do I wonder, this is God's plan, this is the path that he laid for us long before time began. He knows what each of us will feel and how we will grow in him. Yes I still have days where it hurts knowing I have two beautiful angels in heaven watching out for me that I feel should still be on this earth, but I know that they are playing and having an amazing time up there. 

No matter how much you may struggle in a year, know that you are going through a transformation that is beyond amazing. And a year doesn't have to be January to January, it can be April to April, or November to November. 

So I challenge you.....Look back on this year. What have you learned? How have you changed? Was it a struggle or a year full of epiphany? What do you hope to gain in the year to come? What do you think this year has done in your relationship with Christ? 

Finally, I have a final thing to say to my sweet niece. (you never know they may have internet in heaven)....

Thank you for being my angel this year. Thank you for being a constant reminder of what love is and how much someone can love another. Thank you for watching over your Daddy, we both know he can be hard headed but I know that with you and your sister on his side he can do anything. I love you so much baby girl and my love for you grows everyday, and not a day goes by that I don't think about you. You will always be my ladybug and always be a symbol of HoPE for me. Give your sister a hug for me and let her know I love her so much and miss you both. I can't wait for the day I can see you both again. 
Aunt Courtney 

God Bless! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Modern Day Prodigal Son

So guess what? Country music has inspired me again and this time by total accident.

Before I get into my thoughts I have to tell you a story.....well two stories. First a parable....

The Parable of the Lost Son

11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.
13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’
28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’
31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

Now my story....

A few days ago a friend of mine saw Brantley Gilbert in San Antonio and sent me a video of him singing. I don't know why but it got me thinking that I didn't have any music of his on my Spotify channel. So away I went to add some of my future husbands music to my playlist. Usually I just had 4 or 5 of their top songs to the playlist but something different happened on this day. I decided to scroll though his work and add song titles I found interesting. Of these songs one of them was A Modern Day Prodigal Son. Why did I add this one? I loved it because it is about one of my all time favorite biblical stories.

So here is the song please listen closely and and lyrics are in the video....

This song got me thinking.....what is your modern day prodigal story? What part did you play? Where you the one to return, the brother that was jealous, or the loving father that welcomed the son home? 

Part of the reason I love this story is one, because I learned I am not the only one in the family that loves it and two, everytime I hear it something changes for me. Me role changes, my ideas change, my feelings change, something changes. 

Everyone turns away from something at some point in their lives. I have turned away from the church, from my faith, and occasionally from my friends. Those moments were some of the hardest I have ever had to go through but they taught me something. When you turn back and return the love and celebration that occurs is crazy. For instance, when I returned to a church after not going for a while, they welcomed me with open arms and loving hearts. They have been my home for the last year because I am one of the lost sheep that returned home. It is those moments that I feel like the son that has returned. But really everyone has been that brother. It is easy to see what that brother has gone through. 

What about the father? What was he going through? I mean he technically lost a son. As I type this I think of another song that comes to mind. Listen to this song.....and yes it is country again. Sorry 

That is a dad that lost everything. And yet he never gave up. He waited.....and can you imagine that joy and celebration this Dad had when his daughter returned. He never gave up on her, never gave up hope. It makes me think that maybe the father in the Prodigal Son never gave up. He hoped and prayed that his son would return. Upon seeing his son again the joy that overtook him was unimaginable. He celebrated with the fattest calf. His message was answered and his son returned. 

So what do you think? What does the prodigal con mean to you? And really there is no right or wrong answer. This story can mean so many things. It all depends on what is going on when you hear it. And that is what is so amazing about this story. It can shift and form to be whatever God needs it to be and when it changes it will hit us in an amazing and forceful way. 

And that right there is one reason I love the bible. It is a true living, breathing, piece of work. While the words never change it is constantly shifting in meaning and ideas for each and every one of us. What I hear might not be exactly what you hear. What hits my soul might not even touch yours. And isn't that just amazing! The Bible never gets old.....it is a timeless piece of work. 

The word is alive and this story, this Prodigal son and Modern Day Prodigal Son proves that. It is a timeless piece that will constantly alter how we look at this world. 

So sorry for all the country but I hope you take it all to heart. 

Love you all and God Bless! 

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Okay so I know I posted about superheroes a while back.....but I am wanting to add to it.

In my blog, for those of you that didn't see, I posed the question, who is your favorite superhero? I wanted to show how Jesus is the ultimate superhero, the ultimate sacrifice. But something came up the other day that got me thinking.

In the car the other day I was listening to a country artist state that for some music comes easy, those are the Supermans, for others it takes time, dedication, and effort....those are the Batmans, the ones that choose to be the superheroes.

And that is when the thinking started......are we as Christians not the Batmans of the church. Think about it, Jesus was born to save, born to be the hero, Jesus is Superman. But we, we are born to choose. We have to choose whether to step up and be the hero and show what sacrifice and dedication are or we can sit back and watch from a distance.

For those of you that don't know the story, Batman wasn't born to be a hero. Bruce Wayne, an orphan who's parents were killed in a robbery, was raised by the butler. He then went off and in the mountains of a foreign country he learned how to fight and be stealthy and everything it took to be Batman. That was when he returned to Gotham to save the people of the evil ways and become the hero the city needed. Bruce Wayne did what no one else could, he saved a city from it's own death and destruction.

Okay Courtney, so how does this relate to Christians and our walk with Christ. Well simple, be Batman. Take the steps to be more then just someone on the sideline. And no it won't come easy, but I can promise it will come. Like Batman, we have to learn how to be dedicated, how to be stealthy at times, how to help from the shadows, and how to be that light in the darkness. Jesus can't be the only hero, well we could. But like Superman it is sometimes nice to have back up from those that weren't born heroes, from those that choose the destiny for themselves.

So be Batman, be the superhero the world needs now, as we wait for the one that will help us soon. Be the Batman in the world and choose what to do.

In Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy there are many quotes that can be applied to our lives as Christians. Don't believe me let me show you.

Batman Begins:

At one point in the movie Bruce Wayne is talking to Ra's Al Ghul who states " You cannot lead these men unless you are prepared to do what is necessary to defeat evil." We must be willing to face anything that comes our way in order to achieve what is needed to be done in this world. There will be obstacles but we have to be able to move them. Another aspect of the movie is the rebirth of Bruce Wayne into Batman. Bruce "died," and while everyone close to him that he really had died he was really being transformed and reborn in to Batman, the "Savior" that Gotham needed. Now I am not saying we have to be Saviors because we can't but I am saying that we can be a fighting force in our own communities, we just have to "kill" off the parts that are stopping us. Before Al Ghul turns evil, he kind of becomes Bruce's priest, helping him obtain the skills that is needed to be a disciple, obtaining the skills needed to help Gotham. Just look at the clip below, without Al Ghul, there would be no Batman. Without our guide there would be no one to help lead us.

The Dark Knight: 

There are too many quotes for this one, but the whole story line proves what I am trying to say. In the movie Batman works to pass on the heroism to Harvey Dent, he believe that in order for Gotham to be saved he must have the people want to save it and Harvey Dent can do that. Isn't that what we as Christians are supposed to do? Yes we should also work and strive to create a better world but we should also want to pass the torch onto others so that it can continue. We must spread the news and works of Jesus Christ in order to obtain more disciples of Christ. In the following clip, Dent is dead and Batman understands that Dent needs to be the Hero not Batman so he sacrifices for the better of Gotham, he sacrifices his life for Gotham. 

The Dark Knight Rises: 

This one is a little harder but I think I can do it. This one more represents how we won't always have the perfect life with Christ, but if we work hard and strive to be better, we become stronger in Him. In the Dark Knight Rises, Batman does just this. Bane breaks Batman down and sends him to the pit. A prison in which the only way out is to climb out. Batman works hard to become stronger and better while in the pit. On his first attempt out he fails. But on his second attempt he realizes that the harness is limiting him, so he climbs out without it. He faces life or death in order to escape the hole that he is in. He must trust his work and strength and the strength of those around him to get out. We must do the same. WE might stumble and fall but with trust and faith in Christ no hole is big enough to keep us in.....sometimes we just have to take off the harness. Here is the clip from the movie see for yourself.....

So Rise! Bruce did!!!! 

We must be Batman, we must learn to adapt to anything to comes our way. We must sacrifice to help others. Jesus is Superman, let's be his Batman, let's help to form the Justice League. What do I mean by that. We must work with Jesus Christ in order to help the greater good. We must work together with Superman to be the best Batman we can be. We have to take our ideals and hopes and fight for them, no matter what. 

So there you have it. So my final question is this.....Do you want to be the Batman for the Christian world? 

God Bless!!!!